Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Winchester Brothers and GhostFacers....Friends?

Did Sam and Dean finally find something to have in common with the GhostFacers?

Dean: "I will shoot you bitches"
Last night's episode, #Thinman, showed a different side of both the Winchester brothers and the GhostFacers. Hunting a case of a "ghost" that photo bombs selfies, the Winchester brothers catch themselves running into the GhostFacers yet again. Stumped as to what they are actually dealing with, Sam and Dean approach the two remaining GhostFacers members, Harry and Ed, and ask them about their findings. It is to no surprise that not even 30 seconds later that they piss Dean off. 
Throughout the case, more and more people begin to die due to this "ThinMan" causing the Winchesters to become more curious about what this is exactly but they weren't the only ones! Harry, one of the GhostFacers, did not want to wait anymore for ThinMan to attack again so he went to the woods finding him. Not knowing what to do, Ed went to the Winchester brothers for advice on a secret he was keeping.
Once at the motel of Sam and Dean, Ed confesses to them how he made up the whole ThinMan story and even faked the pictures online just to keep Harry with him as a GhostFacers since everyone else left to have a normal life. Ed also did this so Harry wouldn't give up something he love for a woman. Knowing exactly what he is going through, the brothers tell Ed that he needs to tell Harry the truth before things are too late between them, something Sam and Dean can relate to since throughout all the seasons, they seem to find ways to lie and keep secrets from each other. 
Taking the brother's advice, the three head out to the woods to retrieve Harry but when they get there they find that he has been stabbed in the stomach by no other but the ThinMan. After patching Harry up, they all go back to the motel to brainstorm some more about the case. This is when Ed tells Harry that the ThinMan was something that he made up to keep their small team together. This angers Harry to the point where he doesn't even want to be around Ed. Sam eventually speaks to Harry privately and tells him that there are things that he will forgive and there are things that he won't but he needs to decide those things for himself. In doing so, the four work together to find the ThinMan only to find out that the ThinMan is human. Since all their lives were in danger, they had no choice but to kill the ThinMan although he was human. 
This episode was definitely a weird one since I never thought that the Winchesters and the GhostFacers would ever get along and the fact that they can relate to each other now on a more personal level makes it even more strange. But I guess this is a good thing because they were able to work together and solve the case of the ThinMan. They now understand each others pain and can relate to each others situation with their loved ones in a way. Maybe they will work together on future classes now, that's if they don't start annoying Dean again. But I guess this is what they mean by opposites attract! Until next time my friends!

Make sure to tune in next week for an all new episode!

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