Thursday, March 6, 2014

To the Internet we go!

Being a huge Supernatural fan, I like to check out other Supernatural fan pages and see what their opinions of episodes are. Another thing I like to do is go on Twitter and check on what the cast is talking about the episode after it aired on TV. After last nights episode, I came across a lot of negative feed back about #ThinMan A lot of people were upset because there wasn't any interaction with any of the other characters on the show while others complained that the show was all about the GhostFacers instead of the Winchester brothers.
This negativity made no sense to me. While I did miss seeing Cas and Crowley on the show last night, I still enjoyed the episode very much. To me the episode was about showing people that no matter how different you think you are from others, there is always something that you guys can relate to or you can at least understand each other. But I also think that the episode was about the brothers beginning to get close to each other again or at least beginning to set aside their differences.
Jared Padalecki (Sam) went to Twitter last night  tweeted the exact thing that I was thinking! The Winchesters and the GhostFacers duo are going through the same thing. Betrayal by someone they loved and trusted! But as Sam said in the show, you don't always have to forgive them but you have to learn how to deal with them! I am sure this was not only relate-able to the characters but to viewers as well. Maybe the director wanted to teach the boys and its viewers a lesson at the same time, just a thought though.
But not everyone will like the same thing. While I liked the episode last night, many out there didn't and that is fine. Even though we are fans of the show, we won't all have the same opinions all the time. One thing I think we can all agree on is next weeks episode! It looks very interesting (and hilarious) and I can not WAIT to watch it! The return of Crowley next week! Hey we may even see Cas too. I know we sure have missed them both. Tune in Tuesday, March 11th at 9 pm to watch Crowley deal with his human blood addiction. Until next time my friends!

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