Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Mark of Cain

Almost everyone knows the story behind the Mark of Cain. There are many version of the story out there bu basically the gist of it is that Cain, the first born son of Adam and Eve, murder his brother Abel. When God asked him about his brother's death Cain lied to God. God then decides to curse Cain and mark him so others will know that he is cursed and if anyone tried to kill Cain, they will get the vengeance of God.

With Dean caring the Mark of Cain now, how well do you think he will be able to handle all that power and responsibility that comes along with it?
Dean received the Mark of Cain from Cain himself after proving to him that he is strong enough to handle anything that came his way. After fighting off a dozen demons on his own, Cain knew that Dean was worthy of the mark. Dean just wanted answers on how to get rid of Abaddon and that is when Cain told him that only the first blade can kill her. But in order for the first blade to work, you must possess the mark. Being that Cain is the only one with the mark, Dean asked him to help him kill Abaddon  in which he refuses and decides to transfer the mark onto Dean so he can destroy her himself.
In Tuesday night's episode, Dean, Sam and Crowley finally find the First Blade. Since Dean possesses the Mark of Cain, he is the only one who can activate the blade, but once he held it something began to happen. Dean began to feel a weird sensation through out his body and it even seemed liked he almost lost control of his body at one point. This only means one thing. If the boys want to kill Abaddon for good, Dean must practice with the blade and get used to it before going after Abaddon.

Will Dean get used to this new power of his and destroy Abaddon? Knowing the Winchester brothers and with the help of their angel and demon friends, Dean will be able to defeat Abaddon in no time!We just have to wait and see in the future episodes to come!

What do you think? 
Will Dean be able to handle the fact that he now possesses the Mark of Cain? 
Will he defeat Abaddon? 
Only these questions will be answered along the way towards the season finale. 

Until next time my friends!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


If you have been a big Supernatural fan since the beginning, you would know that at some point in the show you start to notice that each character develops an addiction for something.

For instance, let's start with Dean. Dean has many addictions; saving his brother, sex, alcohol and yes of course pie! I think the first two seasons, almost every episode Dean was either eating pie or mentioning it. Then you see him with his other addictions as well like sex with multiple girls, alcohol to cope with hard times and making sure his little Sammy was safe and sound and that no one was hurting him.

In season 4, Sam becomes addicted to Demons blood because Ruby (a demon) told him that it would make him stronger and able to defeat any demon that comes his way. Since Sam was determined to not let the Apocalypse happen, he listened to Ruby and drank the blood. He did this not knowing that it would almost become like a drug to him and he would crave it whenever he didn't have any for days, just like a drug addict.

Castiel had his addictions as well. When Famine, one of the Four Horsemen was around, Castiel became addicted to hamburgers due to his vessel craving the taste of red meat. The whole episode he spent eating burger after burger. But that wasn't Cas' only addiction. He was addicted to making things right in the eyes of God. When he couldn't do that he tried to be God by swallowing the souls of the creatures from purgatory. This ended up back firing when the Leviathan took over his body and killed hundreds of innocent people.
  If you watched last nights episode, you would of saw how bad Crowley's addiction to human blood is getting. He has become careless about his job as a demon and resorted to human ways; sex, hunger, feelings and satisfaction. This began when the trails were being done in the last season, the trails that almost killed Sam. Crowley was almost human again before Dean stepped in to stopped the trails. Ever since then Crowley has been craving human blood and is going to any lengths to get it.

I think with each of them having their own addictions, it makes it easier for them to understand one another and to understand what they are going through. Sam kicked the demon blood habit and Castiel is now trying to fix the mistakes he has made but leaving the work of God in God's hands. As for Crowley and Dean, do you think they will ever break their addictions? I guess we are going to have to wait and see.
Until next time my friends!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Who is Your Favorite Non-Hunter Character?

When it comes to the hunters, every Supernatural fan knows exactly who their favorite is, but what about the other characters? 
When it comes to my favorite non hunter character on the show, I kind of have a hard time picking between two characters on the show. Supernatural usually has a different character in almost every episode or they introduce a new character almost every week. But when it comes to favorites, I have to pick the two that I get excited to see whenever they appear in an episode. 
My first favorite would be Kevin Tran. Out of the prophets we have met during the duration of the show, I must say that Kevin is my favorite out of all of them. Kevin took on his role of the prophet even though he was scared and didn't know what he had to do exactly. He wasn't ready for this life but Sam and Dean walked him through it. He played his role in the Supernatural life despite being scared of what might come about. He had dreams for his future and never thought that this would be his life, being a prophet, helping the brothers with Supernatural events and reading the angel and demon tablet for answers. Towards the end, he became family to the brothers and stuck by them even though he knew what the outcome may be, death. But he stayed because he grew attached to the boys too and they were the only family that he had left, something they understood about each other. Kevin was the best and I am sad that he is no longer on the show. Why did Kevin have to die?
My second favorite would be Crowley. Now he isn't my favorite because he is the king of hell, he is my favorite because of his sarcastic remarks and funny comments towards the boys. There is never a dull moment in an episode involving Crowley. There is not one episode that I do not laugh at when Crowley is on a roll with his one liners. Also his manipulative ways always keep everyone on their toes and laughing the whole entire time. Crowley, as much as he won't admit it but he has a connection with the boys. 
Although they are constantly trying to destroy each other, they always end up needing each others help. So in a way Crowley is evil with a soft heart at the same time. That could also be the human blood flowing through his veins though. Crowley is one of my favorites because of that. He is evil with a sense of human and sometimes a good heart as well. And just like all the other characters in the show, he is attached to the boys. I guess that is why he gave them nicknames, his way of having some sort of connection with them.
So who is your favorite?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

What's your Favorite Supernatural Episode?

Since there was no new episode this past Tuesday of the Winchester Brothers, I thought it would be a nice idea to talk about our favorite Supernatural episode! So what is your favorite episode?

My favorite episode is called Changing Channels, this one aired in Season Five, Episode 8. This is the episode when the Trickster traps the brothers in TV land, taking them through different TV shows and different situations. The only way to survive the show is to "play the game". Every different episode and TV show they are in, the boys have a role to play in order to survive the game. They go through many different TV shows, Dr. Sexy MD, a Japanese game show, CSI, and even Night Rider. Sam and Dean even star in a commercial for a pill for Genital Herpes, Sam was very uncomfortable during the whole entire commercial. It was actually hilarious to me!
Sam and Dean just thought that the Trickster was playing around with them just to piss them off when in reality he was trying to tell them that they needed to just play their roles! During this season was when the apocalypse was happening and they wanted Sam to be Lucifer and Dean to be Micheal. The Trickster was telling them that they needed to accept their responsibilities and take on their roles for the sake of the world. This is when they realized that the Trickster wasn't a trickster but really an angel in hiding who wanted this feud with his brothers to end. Dean tells him that their answer is no and that they will not take the roles of Lucifer and Micheal and leave the Trickster of Gabrielle the Angel in a circle of holy oil on fire.
Out of nine seasons, this has to be one of my favorite episodes so far. It shows the funny side of the brothers while keeping the seriousness of the apocalypse in the episode at the same time. Also we got to see Sam and Dean do other things besides hunting for once. Even though they were mad that they were getting played around with, it was still a hilarious episode to watch! I catch myself from time to time going back to this episode and re-watching it just for some laughs. 
If you had to pick your favorite episode, which one would you pick?

Thursday, March 6, 2014

To the Internet we go!

Being a huge Supernatural fan, I like to check out other Supernatural fan pages and see what their opinions of episodes are. Another thing I like to do is go on Twitter and check on what the cast is talking about the episode after it aired on TV. After last nights episode, I came across a lot of negative feed back about #ThinMan A lot of people were upset because there wasn't any interaction with any of the other characters on the show while others complained that the show was all about the GhostFacers instead of the Winchester brothers.
This negativity made no sense to me. While I did miss seeing Cas and Crowley on the show last night, I still enjoyed the episode very much. To me the episode was about showing people that no matter how different you think you are from others, there is always something that you guys can relate to or you can at least understand each other. But I also think that the episode was about the brothers beginning to get close to each other again or at least beginning to set aside their differences.
Jared Padalecki (Sam) went to Twitter last night  tweeted the exact thing that I was thinking! The Winchesters and the GhostFacers duo are going through the same thing. Betrayal by someone they loved and trusted! But as Sam said in the show, you don't always have to forgive them but you have to learn how to deal with them! I am sure this was not only relate-able to the characters but to viewers as well. Maybe the director wanted to teach the boys and its viewers a lesson at the same time, just a thought though.
But not everyone will like the same thing. While I liked the episode last night, many out there didn't and that is fine. Even though we are fans of the show, we won't all have the same opinions all the time. One thing I think we can all agree on is next weeks episode! It looks very interesting (and hilarious) and I can not WAIT to watch it! The return of Crowley next week! Hey we may even see Cas too. I know we sure have missed them both. Tune in Tuesday, March 11th at 9 pm to watch Crowley deal with his human blood addiction. Until next time my friends!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Winchester Brothers and GhostFacers....Friends?

Did Sam and Dean finally find something to have in common with the GhostFacers?

Dean: "I will shoot you bitches"
Last night's episode, #Thinman, showed a different side of both the Winchester brothers and the GhostFacers. Hunting a case of a "ghost" that photo bombs selfies, the Winchester brothers catch themselves running into the GhostFacers yet again. Stumped as to what they are actually dealing with, Sam and Dean approach the two remaining GhostFacers members, Harry and Ed, and ask them about their findings. It is to no surprise that not even 30 seconds later that they piss Dean off. 
Throughout the case, more and more people begin to die due to this "ThinMan" causing the Winchesters to become more curious about what this is exactly but they weren't the only ones! Harry, one of the GhostFacers, did not want to wait anymore for ThinMan to attack again so he went to the woods finding him. Not knowing what to do, Ed went to the Winchester brothers for advice on a secret he was keeping.
Once at the motel of Sam and Dean, Ed confesses to them how he made up the whole ThinMan story and even faked the pictures online just to keep Harry with him as a GhostFacers since everyone else left to have a normal life. Ed also did this so Harry wouldn't give up something he love for a woman. Knowing exactly what he is going through, the brothers tell Ed that he needs to tell Harry the truth before things are too late between them, something Sam and Dean can relate to since throughout all the seasons, they seem to find ways to lie and keep secrets from each other. 
Taking the brother's advice, the three head out to the woods to retrieve Harry but when they get there they find that he has been stabbed in the stomach by no other but the ThinMan. After patching Harry up, they all go back to the motel to brainstorm some more about the case. This is when Ed tells Harry that the ThinMan was something that he made up to keep their small team together. This angers Harry to the point where he doesn't even want to be around Ed. Sam eventually speaks to Harry privately and tells him that there are things that he will forgive and there are things that he won't but he needs to decide those things for himself. In doing so, the four work together to find the ThinMan only to find out that the ThinMan is human. Since all their lives were in danger, they had no choice but to kill the ThinMan although he was human. 
This episode was definitely a weird one since I never thought that the Winchesters and the GhostFacers would ever get along and the fact that they can relate to each other now on a more personal level makes it even more strange. But I guess this is a good thing because they were able to work together and solve the case of the ThinMan. They now understand each others pain and can relate to each others situation with their loved ones in a way. Maybe they will work together on future classes now, that's if they don't start annoying Dean again. But I guess this is what they mean by opposites attract! Until next time my friends!

Make sure to tune in next week for an all new episode!